- Fully Pluginize: Croogo can become a set of plugins and a minimalist app that simply installs the default plugin set for easy installation. (shama, real34, rchavik)
- Add namespaces
- PSR-0 and PSR-1 Compat
- Use composer.json instead of Config/plugin.json for extensions
- Offer RESTful API by core, to allow easy integration with third-party apps (could be an iPhone app too)
- Allow admins to update Croogo from admin panel (HTTP download, or backed by Git?)
- Granular ACL (rchavik)
- [Plugin] Contents: Nodes going out, forming a Contents plugin.
- Plugin Activation ordering and presentation in plugin list
- Helpers to create UI components markups, eg: tabs, accordion, panels. Mostly for /admin (aymeric and real34 - occitech)
- Replace Email Component with CakeEmail and move to models
- Move functionality in NodesController to the model
- Plugin download/finder via shell (the CPM - package management idea)
- Default theme: use Twitter Bootstrap (default theme will not be changed)
- Admin theme: use Twitter Bootstrap here too? (aymeric and real34 - occitech)
- Node Preview indicator, display published nodes that has preview flag set for admins.
- Defaults to InnoDb storage engine for mysql
- Migration plugin (cakedc) can be use for installation, and plugins. create and update tables between versions, setup default/baseline data [] (aymeric and real34 - occitech)
- Pluginify the File Manager, add better folder security (shama)
- Pluginify Blocks (shama)
- Pluginify Taxonomy (shama)
- Move CommentsController::add() functionality to model
- Move AttachmentsController::admin_add functionality to model
- Move non-controller CroogoComponent functionality to a Lib
- Pluginify User management (extract as plugin) (rchavik)
- Allow integration of third party auth, eg: twitter oauth, facebook, ldap,
- Replace Config/settings.yml to Config/settings.json, remove spyc from Vendor (rchavik)