
Blocks are what you see in the sidebar (‘right’ region in default theme) as boxes. They belong to a particular region.


All blocks are rendered via block.ctp element (found in app/Plugin/Blocks/View/Elements/block.ctp). You can use your own element too for your blocks by editing ‘element’ field when adding a block.

Tip: If it is a plugin element, enter ‘PluginName.element_name’.

How to display a THIS and THAT in a block?

You are able to show an element, menu, vocabulary (nested list of terms), or a list of nodes by entering specially formatted text in your block’s body.


For an element with file name my_element.ctp:

[element:my_element] OR [e:my_element]

Passing variables to your element:

[element:my_element myVar=”value here” anotherVar=”value here”]

For plugin elements:

[element:my_element plugin=”my_plugin”]


For a Vocabulary with alias categories:

[vocabulary:categories] OR [v:categories]


This options could drastically change the way your website works, handle with caution

Variables supported :

  • link=”true” : if true, it creates a link for each vocabulary found, it will create the link using the supplied arguments for plugin, controller, action and type.
  • plugin=”nameOfPlugin” : plugin name supplied to create link
  • controller=”controller” : controller name supplied to create link
  • action=”action” : action name supplied to create link
  • type=”type” : type of node supplied to create link
  • tag=”htmlTag” : tag to wrap content output
  • tagAttributes=”className” : className for wrapping tag
  • element=”Taxonomy.vocabulary” : Element to use as template


For example, you want to show a list of 5 most recent blog posts as a block:

[node:recent_posts conditions=”Node.type:blog;Node.status:1” order=” DESC” limit=”5”]


This options could drastically change the way your website works, handle with caution

Variables supported :

  • link=”true” : if true, it creates a link for each node found, it will create the link using the supplied arguments for plugin, controller, action and type.
  • plugin=”nodes” : plugin name supplied to create link
  • controller=”nodes” : controller name supplied to create link
  • action=”view” : action name supplied to create link
  • element=”Nodes.node_list” : Element to use as template