View Blocks

CakePHP view blocks have been implemented into Croogo 1.4 for admin_index, admin_add, and admin_edit.

Read the CakePHP docs on view blocks:

You can override the default Croogo blocks:

// Use assign for single line overrides
$this->assign('title', 'My Custom Title');
<!-- Or start() and end() for multiline overrides -->
<?php $this->start('tabs'); ?>
        <?php echo $this->Html->link('My Link', '/somewhere'); ?>
<?php $this->end(); ?>

<p>Any remaining content will override the content block.</p>


The following blocks are available:

  • title: Override the title.
  • tabs: Override the li link tabs.
  • paging: Override the pagination numbers and counter.

admin_edit / admin_add

The following blocks are available:

  • title: Override the title.
  • actions: Override the li link actions.
  • buttons: Override the Save and Cancel buttons.